Sarah Harmer in Stanley Park

We saw Sarah Harmer last night at the Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park - she was awesome. That was the first full concert of hers that I have been too and she didn't disappoint. I had tears in my eyes during the first few songs - there is just something about her voice...
I think my favourite song was Lodestar - the first part was slow and romantic and then halfway through the song where the beat picks up Sarah put down her guitar and headed back to drums and started playing those - it was great! She was very chatty with the crowd and found it quite funny that she was allowed to drink her red wine on stage but no one in the crowd was allowed to have alcohol. The other excitement came during Open Window - just before she started singing she told us that a friend of hers from the Interior was in the audience and that he had something important he wanted to ask his companion - I think he proposed - what a cool place to get engaged!
sounds excellent... wish i could have seen that... (agreed on lodestar)
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